How to create your own php site by artkid.. Goto any hostinq site. Eg,, Then reqister as a client mind U, UcWeb is adviceable, after reqister qoto your email inb0x pr0vided durinq reqistration and confirm the link sent to you. After confirminq , l0qin to your h0st then click cpanel >> scroll down u will sumthinq like this " YOU D0 N0T HAVE ANY ACC0UNT HERE , CLICK HERE" >> Click on here >> n0w it wil redirect you to a paqe in this paqe you wil c subdomain , domain >> ch0se subdomain or leave it as it is . N0w it wil show you a box ontop of d b0x you will see "www." in d b0x put ur preffered site name eg 9jaartkid,in d 3rd place you wil c ( whr u r h0stinq frm ) .. i.e 9jaartkid.nazukanet will be your site name. Afta creatinq dat, D nxt tin is 2 Create Data Base 4 Ur Site, Data Base is part 0f D m0st imp0rtant tin 2 mak D Site suxexful. HOW TO CREATE YOUR DATABASE After creatinq your site press #0 (to reload for operamini) . After that you will see Switch >> click 0n Switch>> then> Advance >> Mysql Database >> click on Mysql Database >> it wil display some form f0r you to fill in d first b0x on top of it u wil c "u123456789" ( Note that n0t what you wil c bt it wil b in a f0rmat like dat ) . N0te d numb u saw d0wn . Nw in d first b0x u wil c username put just 5leta w0rds eg (rhyme) . 2nd b0x (name) use d same name i.e (rhyme) .. Paswd use the password you are usinq so that you wil not av any problem while installinq ur script . N0w after creatinq mysql database . Write all ur information down , and create mysql account . Afta duin dat... An0da imp0rtant tin is upl0adn a smal but miqhty Script cal Pbnl.sql... Dis is wat wil enable Reqistrati0n 2 w0rk wen U finish Creatinq Ur Site. HOW TO UPL0AD PBNL.sql L0cate PhpMyAdmin, its beside MySql- DataBase... Click phpmyadmin >> den Click Enter phpmyadmin >> & imput Ur Pasw0rd... you will see m0re >> click on more >> import >> click Import >> now you will see a page asking for your file .. Goto where your PBNL.sql is and upload it, den Scr0l d0wn n click G0. After uploadinq you will see "52queries executed". Note: before upl0adinq your PBNL.sql chanqe your operamini to pc view by pressinq #8 . Afta duin all dat, D nxt tin is 2 Delete Default File 4rm Public_html and dis is d0n wit 0nlyn FTP CLIENT... HOW TO DELETE DEFAULT FILE FROM PUBLIC_HTML Goto You will see some box Ftp server : "put your site name" e.g. Username : u123456789 ( your database info while creatinq mysql)... but wit0ut D name Password : rhymeaye (password use while creatinq your site) Leave others empty and click c0nnect Afta logining you will see / public_html >> click on it you wil see one files inside it e.g. Default.php beside the file there is a b0x there click d box and choose the 1st delete >> you will see "selected 1files" which is default.php. Then click delete. Afta duin dat is nw D main Script Upl0adinq... HOW TO UPL0AD YOUR SCRIPT Now after deletinq files. Go back 2 D 1st Paqe afta U click C0nect and scr0l d0wn den click on upload and upload your file. Note-: 1. Let your file be in zip format 2. Maximum file allowed is 5mb After uploadinq, go back 2 D 1st paqe aqain and reload or re-login. Now click on the file name eg . >> you will see "open file" , "unzip or extract file" , "download file" . Choose unzip file >> it will show a b0x with your file name eg pbnlv2.3 >> clear it and put... / public_html N0te-: it must all B in small Letas And click unzip . so when you are through with every process now goto your address bar and type your site name e.g install.php then this will prompt you to supply your database details you have created initially. After then you have succesfully install your website and you will be prompt to delete your install.php file to prevent hackers. Goodluck any error p.m me...